Hysteria walks in the footsteps of refugees and immigrants. In Britain barely a day passes without scare stories of crime, fraud and intolerable burdens placed on public services. They are depicted as people out for themselves […]
International | Réfugiés environnementaux | the new economics foundation |This paper presents IOM’s efforts to support vulnerable and mobile communities affected by environmental hazards through disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities conducive to sustainable development. Extrait du document : p 6-7 : « IOM’s involvement in coordinated humanitarian response stems from its Constitution and was6expanded upon in the Organization’s 12-point Strategy17 adopted by the membership in 2007. DRM is at the core of humanitarian emergency response as it includes life-saving activities implemented in the course or in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Timely and efficient assistance and protection depend on (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Adaptation | Changement climatique | Catastrophe naturelle | Management des risques de catastrophes |This study examines the role of the UN’s programmes for environment and development (UNEP and UNDP) in the genesis and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). This is set in the wider context of the changing dominant focus of the international agenda, from ‘environment’ at the Stockholm Conference in 1972, to ‘environment and development’ at Rio in 1992, and ‚sustainable development’ in Johannesburg in 2002.
UNEP | PNUD/UNDP | Politique de l’environnement |