La dégradation de l’environnement et les changements climatiques posent des problèmes importants sur les plans de la sécurité humaine et du développement économique et humain durable. Selon le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC), le réchauffement climatique accélère la dégradation des terres arides et des autres écosystèmes exposés à la déforestation, à la salinisation [...]
Dégradation de l’environnement | Migration |Résumé du document p1 : « This note relates to the implementation of paragraph 1(c) of the Bali Action Plan and requests UNFCCC negotiators to ensure recognition in the follow-up Protocol of the need for early action to prevent statelessness as outlined below, and to permit funding for adaptation to be made available for such early actions » Extrait du document : p2 : « To prevent statelessness in the context of low-lying island States, one option would be that territory elsewhere would be ceded to the affected State to ensure its continued existence. If other States agreed that this was the same State, statelessness would not arise. Union with another State would be (...)
Droit | Changement climatique | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Montée du niveau des mers | Apatrides climatiques - disparition d’Etat |This note relates to the implementation of paragraph 1(c) of the Bali Action Plan and requests UNFCCC negotiators to ensure recognition in the follow-up Protocol of the need for early action to prevent statelessness as outlined below, and to permit funding for adaptation to be made available for such early actions.
Changement climatique et migration | UNHCR |p 2 : « IOM, UNHCR, UNU and NRC therefore compiled this joint submission with the aim of bringing the migration and displacement implications of climate change to the attention of the UNFCCC and requesting that these implications are considered in the 15th Conference of Parties agreement. This submission is based on the assembly document text (FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1) and contains concrete text proposals in order to indicate the gaps relating to migration and displacement in the previous draft and facilitate the inclusion of these issues in subsequent versions of the draft agreement. Climate-change related migration and displacement is a topic of relevance for (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | UNHCR | internally displaced persons | plan d’action de Bali | Vulnérabilité | IDP - Internally displaced person |The Greek Chairmanship of the Human Security Network (HSN) and the International Organization for Migraiton (IOM) co-hosted a Conference on the 19th of February 2008 in Geneva on “Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration : Addressing Vulnerabilities and Harnessing Opportunities”. [...]
Changement climatique et migration | Sécurité humaine | HSN |This paper presents IOM’s efforts to support vulnerable and mobile communities affected by environmental hazards through disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities conducive to sustainable development.
Changement climatique | Politique publique | Dégradation de l’environnement |This paper presents IOM’s efforts to support vulnerable and mobile communities affected by environmental hazards through disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities conducive to sustainable development. Extrait du document : p 6-7 : « IOM’s involvement in coordinated humanitarian response stems from its Constitution and was6expanded upon in the Organization’s 12-point Strategy17 adopted by the membership in 2007. DRM is at the core of humanitarian emergency response as it includes life-saving activities implemented in the course or in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Timely and efficient assistance and protection depend on (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Adaptation | Développement durable | Changement climatique | Catastrophe naturelle | Management des risques de catastrophes |