Les réfugiés climatiques représente un mouvement sans précédent de réfugiés. Cet article étudie si les organisations et institutions existantes peuvent protéger ces « nouveaux réfugiés ». Extraits : "Climate change threatens to cause the largest refugee crisis in human history. More tha 200 million people, largely in Africa and Asia, might be forced to leave their homes [...]"
Changement climatique et migration | Sécurité humaine | Gouvernance globale | Réfugiés climatique | Glogov.org |p 2 : « IOM, UNHCR, UNU and NRC therefore compiled this joint submission with the aim of bringing the migration and displacement implications of climate change to the attention of the UNFCCC and requesting that these implications are considered in the 15th Conference of Parties agreement. This submission is based on the assembly document text (FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1) and contains concrete text proposals in order to indicate the gaps relating to migration and displacement in the previous draft and facilitate the inclusion of these issues in subsequent versions of the draft agreement. Climate-change related migration and displacement is a topic of relevance for (...)
Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | UNHCR | internally displaced persons | plan d’action de Bali | Vulnérabilité | IDP - Internally displaced person |This paper presents IOM’s efforts to support vulnerable and mobile communities affected by environmental hazards through disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities conducive to sustainable development. Extrait du document : p 6-7 : « IOM’s involvement in coordinated humanitarian response stems from its Constitution and was6expanded upon in the Organization’s 12-point Strategy17 adopted by the membership in 2007. DRM is at the core of humanitarian emergency response as it includes life-saving activities implemented in the course or in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Timely and efficient assistance and protection depend on (...)
Droit | Adaptation | Développement durable | Changement climatique | Catastrophe naturelle | Management des risques de catastrophes |This paper provides a brief overview of the human rights and humanitarian norms related to migrant protection, recognizing that a much more com- prehensive, in-depth analysis may be warranted as policymakers engage in further dialogue. Extrait du document p 3 : « As a general rule, people who move voluntarily or who are forced to move across an international border are entitled to all of their fundamental human rights guarantees that pro- tect human dignity.7 These include civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights such as the right of freedom of movement ; to choose their place of residence ; to engage in religion or cultural practice ; the right to (...)
Droit | Changement climatique et migration | GMF | Montée du niveau des mers | internally displaced persons |Millions are displaced by climate-related disasters each year, and this trend is set to increase as climate change accelerates. It raises important questions about how well existing instruments actually protect people driven from their homes by climate change and natural disasters. This article first examines current protection instruments and points out gaps in them. There follows an exploration of various proposals for filling those protection gaps, with the focus on cross-border natural-disaster-induced displacement. A multi-track approach is recommended, including context-oriented and dynamic interpretation of existing law, and creation of new law. Adhering to (...)
International | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | Déplacement de population | Réfugiés | National | Catastrophe naturelle | Conflits |