In response to growing pressures on landscapes and livelihoods, people are moving, communities are adapting. This issue of FMR debates the numbers, the definitions and the modalities – and the tension between the need for research and the need to act. Thirty-eight articles by UN, academic, international and local actors explore the extent of the potential displacement crisis, community adaptation and coping strategies, and the search for solutions. The issue also includes a range of articles on other aspects of forced migration. This issue has been published in English, French, Spanish and (...)
Changement climatique et migration | UNEP | Changement climatique | UNHCR | OIM | Migrations environnementale | IISD |The Greek Chairmanship of the Human Security Network (HSN) and the International Organization for Migraiton (IOM) co-hosted a Conference on the 19th of February 2008 in Geneva on “Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration : Addressing Vulnerabilities and Harnessing Opportunities”. [...]
Changement climatique et migration | HSN |Les réfugiés climatiques représente un mouvement sans précédent de réfugiés. Cet article étudie si les organisations et institutions existantes peuvent protéger ces « nouveaux réfugiés ». Extraits : "Climate change threatens to cause the largest refugee crisis in human history. More tha 200 million people, largely in Africa and Asia, might be forced to leave their homes [...]"
Sciences politiques | Changement climatique et migration | Gouvernance globale | Réfugiés climatique | |Human security discourse and practice have been embraced by a number of states as a means to address our current security dilemmas At the same time, human security literature is advances as an alternative vision of world politics that moves past the state centric analysis of traditional security studies.
Adaptation | Développement |