Environmental factors have always had an impact on the flow of migration across and within international borders. Effects of climate change such as natural disasters and conflicts triggered by a decrease in resources such as water or land displace a growing number of people around the world. Most of these people will remain within the borders of their own country and are entitled to have their fundamental human rights, including the right to life, security, food, health, education, and adequate shelter respected, protected, and fulfilled. Panelists at this event will provide attendees with an overview of the potential human rights impact of climate change ; (...)
Changement climatique et migration | Changement climatique | Migration | United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement |In response to growing pressures on landscapes and livelihoods, people are moving, communities are adapting. This issue of FMR debates the numbers, the definitions and the modalities – and the tension between the need for research and the need to act. Thirty-eight articles by UN, academic, international and local actors explore the extent of the potential displacement crisis, community adaptation and coping strategies, and the search for solutions. The issue also includes a range of articles on other aspects of forced migration. This issue has been published in English, French, Spanish and (...)
Changement climatique et migration | Sécurité humaine | UNEP | Changement climatique | UNHCR | OIM | IISD |The issue of environmental degradation is broad and complex. This Article endeavors to better understand one particular aspect, namely the phenomenon of environmentally-induced migration. Cet article discute des instruments légaux de droit international susceptibles de protéger les déplacés environnementaux. Cet article revient notamment sur la notion controversée de « réfugiés environnementaux. Extrait du document : p 386 : « The 1951 Refugee Convention requires that a refugee be outside his country of origin, and accordingly does not encompass situations of internal displacement.133 In international law, there is a dichotomy between the protection afforded to (...)
International | Droit | Dégradation de l’environnement | Déplacement de population | Réfugiés | Conflits | Catastrophes industrielles |La difficulté que rencontre aujourd’hui le problème des migrations environnementales à s’inscrire sur les agendas politiques est en grande partie liée à la spécificité du problème lui-même. En particulier, la plurisectorialité de cet enjeu implique la mobilisation de secteurs d’action publique ayant des objets d’intervention différents et étant traversés par des rationalités différentes non facilement conciliables. Les spécialistes de chacun de ces secteurs ayant de surcroît suivi des formations spécifiques rendent tout processus de négociation assez (...)
International | Approche critique | Analyse des institutions |The present issue of InterSecTions is a special one. It does not only give the odd chance to write a foreword to an essay which is co-authored by myself but it is the first issue which is written by a team, rather than an individual. All of us are staff members of UNU-EHS.
Dégradation de l’environnement | Migration |