Environmental factors have always had an impact on the flow of migration across and within international borders. Effects of climate change such as natural disasters and conflicts triggered by a decrease in resources such as water or land displace a growing number of people around the world. Most of these people will remain within the borders of their own country and are entitled to have their fundamental human rights, including the right to life, security, food, health, education, and adequate shelter respected, protected, and fulfilled. Panelists at this event will provide attendees with an overview of the potential human rights impact of climate change ; (...)
Changement climatique | Migration | Migrations environnementale | United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement |In response to growing pressures on landscapes and livelihoods, people are moving, communities are adapting. This issue of FMR debates the numbers, the definitions and the modalities – and the tension between the need for research and the need to act. Thirty-eight articles by UN, academic, international and local actors explore the extent of the potential displacement crisis, community adaptation and coping strategies, and the search for solutions. The issue also includes a range of articles on other aspects of forced migration. This issue has been published in English, French, Spanish and (...)
Sécurité humaine | UNEP | Changement climatique | UNHCR | OIM | Migrations environnementale | IISD |This paper provides a brief overview of the human rights and humanitarian norms related to migrant protection, recognizing that a much more com- prehensive, in-depth analysis may be warranted as policymakers engage in further dialogue. Extrait du document p 3 : « As a general rule, people who move voluntarily or who are forced to move across an international border are entitled to all of their fundamental human rights guarantees that pro- tect human dignity.7 These include civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights such as the right of freedom of movement ; to choose their place of residence ; to engage in religion or cultural practice ; the right to (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | GMF | Montée du niveau des mers | internally displaced persons |The process of climate change – and the multiple natural disasters it will engender – will in all certainty add to the scale and complexity of human mobility and displacement. Thus far the international community has focused primarily on the scientific aspects of climate change, with the aim of understanding the processes at play and mitigating the impact of human activity. Yet climate change is likely to pose humanitarian problems and challenges. As such it is of direct interest to humanitarian agencies, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Ce document de travail étudie les différents scénarios de déplacement, les (...)
Droit | Adaptation | Politique publique | Déplacement de population | UNHCR | Recommandations | Prévention |Ce document de travail décrit comment les outils légaux internationaux peuvent être appliqués aux populations victimes du changement climatique et de dégradation environnementale et suggère des terminologies appropriées. Extrait du document : p.4 : « Environmental factors that cause movements across international borders are not grounds, in and of themselves, for the grant of refugee status under the 1951 Refugee Convention. The terms “environ- mental refugee” and “climate refugee” therefore have no legal basis in international refugee law, and it is recommended that they not be used in official or unofficial documentation. Their use could poten- tially undermine the (...)
Droit | IPCC | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Montée du niveau des mers | Conflits |Les réfugiés climatiques représente un mouvement sans précédent de réfugiés. Cet article étudie si les organisations et institutions existantes peuvent protéger ces « nouveaux réfugiés ». Extraits : "Climate change threatens to cause the largest refugee crisis in human history. More tha 200 million people, largely in Africa and Asia, might be forced to leave their homes [...]"
Sciences politiques | Sécurité humaine | Gouvernance globale | Réfugiés climatique | Glogov.org |This note relates to the implementation of paragraph 1(c) of the Bali Action Plan and requests UNFCCC negotiators to ensure recognition in the follow-up Protocol of the need for early action to prevent statelessness as outlined below, and to permit funding for adaptation to be made available for such early actions.
UNHCR |p 2 : « IOM, UNHCR, UNU and NRC therefore compiled this joint submission with the aim of bringing the migration and displacement implications of climate change to the attention of the UNFCCC and requesting that these implications are considered in the 15th Conference of Parties agreement. This submission is based on the assembly document text (FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1) and contains concrete text proposals in order to indicate the gaps relating to migration and displacement in the previous draft and facilitate the inclusion of these issues in subsequent versions of the draft agreement. Climate-change related migration and displacement is a topic of relevance for (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Adaptation | UNHCR | internally displaced persons | plan d’action de Bali | Vulnérabilité | IDP - Internally displaced person |The Greek Chairmanship of the Human Security Network (HSN) and the International Organization for Migraiton (IOM) co-hosted a Conference on the 19th of February 2008 in Geneva on “Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration : Addressing Vulnerabilities and Harnessing Opportunities”. [...]
Sécurité humaine | HSN |Often, the media and policymakers approach the issue of limate change, migration and displacement by asking questions related to “how many” migrants will come. An equally important but less considered question is how national institutions will adapt to accommodate climate change and human mobility. This paper suggests that the capacity of states to adjust to these changes effectively is contingent upon the particular cultural, social, economic and political contexts in which they function and the structural constraints of government machinery. Rather than proposing prêt-a-porter solutions for nation-states, it is important to help states better understand the (...)
Gouvernance globale | GMF | Sénégal | Bangladesh | Mexique |Fondation de protection de l’environnement qui publie un rapport annuel sur les déplacés et promeut l’habitat.
Environnement et migration |Policymakers in potential destination countries for international migrants have been slow to identify possible responses to manage environmentally induced migration that take these complex interconnections into account. Humanitarian admissions are generally limited to refugees and asylum seekers. Most environmental migrants, forced to flee because of loss of livelihood or habitat and not because of persecutory policies, will be unlikely to meet the legal definition of a refugee. In the absence of legal opportunities to immigrate, at least some portion of those who lose livelihoods as a result of climate change and other environmental hazards will likely become (...)
Politique publique |Ce rapport a pour objectif final de mesurer les perspectives d’actions de Planète Urgence sur la thématique des réfugiés environnementaux. Pour cela, il va s’attacher dans un premier temps à décrire la complexité de cette problématique à travers à la fois le positionnement de la recherche, des institutions internationales, nationales, mais aussi des organisations non gouvernementales. L’ensemble de ces acteurs a, de fait, une vision différente et évolutive de leur rôle potentiel face à cet enjeu. Cette divergence ajoute une difficulté de plus dans la prise en compte globale et coordonnée de la question des réfugiés environnementaux. Ensuite, un chapitre sera développé autour des (...)
Associations - ONG | Migrations | Réfugié | HCR | Environnement | Sociologie | OIM | Analyse des institutions |Four main research challenges are posed by the intersection of climate change, broader environmental hazards and migration : How has the relationship between migration and the environment been conceptualized ? To what extent has it been possible to measure the scale of environmental migration ? What evidence is available regarding the impact of environmental migration ? What research has been conducted on policy responses ? Several factors make it difficult to predict the likely scale of environmental migration or its impacts. First, it is difficult to disaggregate the role of climate change from other economic, political and social factors driving migration. Second, (...)
International | Adaptation | Changement climatique | GMF |Ce travail est une réponse au plan d’action de Bali. Il étudie la protection des personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur Etat ou vers d’autres Etats en raison du changement climatique. Extraits p 4 : « The many millions forcibly displaced by sudden and slow-onset disasters will require substantial protection and humanitarian assistance because displacement creates specific new, or exacerbates pre-existing, vulnerabilities. Particular challenges for the displaced as well as for the authorities concerned arise in the context of evacuations before and during disasters, relocations because return to the original place of residence is not possible or too dangerous and, more (...)
International | Droit | IPCC | UNHCR | internally displaced persons | plan d’action de Bali | IDP - Internally displaced person |Millions are displaced by climate-related disasters each year, and this trend is set to increase as climate change accelerates. It raises important questions about how well existing instruments actually protect people driven from their homes by climate change and natural disasters. This article first examines current protection instruments and points out gaps in them. There follows an exploration of various proposals for filling those protection gaps, with the focus on cross-border natural-disaster-induced displacement. A multi-track approach is recommended, including context-oriented and dynamic interpretation of existing law, and creation of new law. Adhering to (...)
International | Sciences politiques | Droit | Adaptation | Déplacement de population | Réfugiés | National | Catastrophe naturelle | Conflits |