Millions are displaced by climate-related disasters each year, and this trend is set to increase as climate change accelerates. It raises important questions about how well existing instruments actually protect people driven from their homes by climate change and natural disasters. This article first examines current protection instruments and points out gaps in them. There follows an exploration of various proposals for filling those protection gaps, with the focus on cross-border natural-disaster-induced displacement. A multi-track approach is recommended, including context-oriented and dynamic interpretation of existing law, and creation of new law. Adhering to (...)
International | Sciences politiques | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | Déplacement de population | Réfugiés | Catastrophe naturelle | Conflits |The growing effects of climate change and global warming create a need for protection of environmentally displaced persons. While governments could use current international and domestic definitions of refugee to protect environmentally displaced persons, it is unlikely that any government will do so. Even if governments did extend existing refugee and asylum laws to include environmentally displaced persons [...]
International | Droit | Déplacement de population | Réfugiés |"Information and communication : The Seascheldt Department decided on an open communication approach, in an attempt to create a broad social platform for this ambitious project. This method calls for diverse communication channels : a brochure, [...]
Politique publique | Inondations | Sigmaplan | Belgique |La Belgique dispose d’un territoire relativement restreint, au relief modéré, parcouru par un important réseau de cours d’eau et par un réseau très dense de voies de communication (routes et réseau ferroviaire). Elle possède une façade maritime, sur la mer du Nord. Son territoire est très urbanisé [...]
Politique publique | Aménagement du territoire | Etudes environnementales | Climat | Belgique | Recommandations |