Présentation du cas et des axes de recherche.
Ouragan Katrina | Aménagement du territoire | Etudes environnementales | Climat | Etats-Unis |UNHCR organized an expert roundtable on climate change and displacement, which was held in Bellagio, Italy, from 22 to 25 February 2011, with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation. The discussion was informed by a number of research papers.Participants included 19 experts from 15 countries, drawn from governments, NGOs, academia and international organizations. The roundtable is one in a series of events organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (“1951 Convention”) and the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. The following summary does not necessarily represent the (...)
Changement climatique | UNHCR | Convention sur les réfugiés 1951 |Millions are displaced by climate-related disasters each year, and this trend is set to increase as climate change accelerates. It raises important questions about how well existing instruments actually protect people driven from their homes by climate change and natural disasters. This article first examines current protection instruments and points out gaps in them. There follows an exploration of various proposals for filling those protection gaps, with the focus on cross-border natural-disaster-induced displacement. A multi-track approach is recommended, including context-oriented and dynamic interpretation of existing law, and creation of new law. Adhering to (...)
International | Sciences politiques | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | Réfugiés | National | Catastrophe naturelle | Conflits |The unhcr in the 1993 state of the world’s refugees, identified four root causes of refugee flows. These Were : political instability ; economic tensions ; ethnic conflict ; and environmental degradation. The claim That environmental degradation was a root cause of refugee flows was a direct response to a growing Number of articles positing a link between environmental degradation and population movement, and a recognition That the numbers of displaced persons internationally was much larger than indicated by the statistics on Refugee (...)
The growing effects of climate change and global warming create a need for protection of environmentally displaced persons. While governments could use current international and domestic definitions of refugee to protect environmentally displaced persons, it is unlikely that any government will do so. Even if governments did extend existing refugee and asylum laws to include environmentally displaced persons [...]
International | Droit | Réfugiés | National |NEW CRITIC, Sept. 2008. Appel la négociation d’une “Convention for Persons Displaced by Climate Change”.
International | Droit |The process of climate change – and the multiple natural disasters it will engender – will in all certainty add to the scale and complexity of human mobility and displacement. Thus far the international community has focused primarily on the scientific aspects of climate change, with the aim of understanding the processes at play and mitigating the impact of human activity. Yet climate change is likely to pose humanitarian problems and challenges. As such it is of direct interest to humanitarian agencies, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Ce document de travail étudie les différents scénarios de déplacement, les (...)
Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | Politique publique | UNHCR | Recommandations | Prévention |Many of the debates surrounding the environmental, social, and economic implications of climate change are now well known. However, there is increasing concern over the extent to which those suffering displacement or forced migration as a result of climate change are protected. This article seeks to highlight the plight of such individuals and suggests how the current protection gap might be remedied. Present legal structures, such as the Refugee Convention and the framework for Internally Displaced Persons (...)
International | Droit | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Protocole de Kyoto |The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in the 1993 State of the World’s Refugees, identified four root causes of refugee flows. These were political instability, economic tensions, ethnic conflict, and environmental degradation. The claim that environmental degradation was a root cause of refugee flows was inspired by a number of articles suggesting a link between environmental degradation and population movement, and a recognition that the numbers of displaced persons internationally were much larger than indicated by the statistics on refugee (...)
Dégradation de l’environnement | UNHCR |En marge de la 14e conférence de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique, qui s’est ouverte le 1er décembre 2008 à Poznan, sommet au cours duquel les délégués de 187 nations devaient élaborer un nouveau traité de lutte contre le changement climatique, s’est construit un débat autour de la question des réfugiés climatiques.
Droit | Réfugiés climatique | Protocole de Kyoto | Catastrophe naturelle | GIEC / IPCC | Conférence de Poznan | Réchauffement |La Soixante-troisième session de l’Assemblée générale a été dominée par de vifs débats menés par les petits États insulaires à propos des changements climatiques. Ces pays, premières victimes du changement climatique qui ont mobilisé l’actualité internationale au cours des derniers mois, ont fait entendre leur voix devant l’Assemblée. Les interventions de ces nombreux pays (AG/ 10754, AG/10756) que nous allons analyser, semblent pouvoir se regrouper autour de deux réflexions essentielles. D’une part, il s’agit de la nécessaire reconnaissance de la vulnérabilité écologique des ces États et, d’autre part de la mise en relief des responsabilités face aux changements climatiques. Extrait : (...)
International | Droit | Changement climatique | Migration | Réfugiés | Maldives | menace à la paix et à la sécurité internationales | Pauvreté |Présentation du cas et des axes de recherche.
Réfugiés climatique | Migration | Maldives | Montée du niveau des mers |« La Conférence de Copenhague s’est achevée par un accord politique de trois pages dénommé « Accord de Copenhague », visant à limiter l’élévation de la température, la réduction des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre et mettant en place des fonds pour les pays en développement. Si le texte final a déçu du fait qu’il ne soit pas juridiquement contraignant et qu’il n’impose pas aux Etats de mettre en place un traité pour prendre le relais du protocole de Kyoto, même imparfait, il constitue un début essentiel. En effet, l’Accord de Copenhague reconnaît le point de vue scientifique demandant à contenir l’augmentation de la température mondiale en dessous de 2 degrés, condition nécessaire (...)
Adaptation | Changement climatique | Réfugiés climatique | Conflits | Sommet de Copenhague | Vulnérabilité | SFID - Société française pour le droit international |The issue of environmental degradation is broad and complex. This Article endeavors to better understand one particular aspect, namely the phenomenon of environmentally-induced migration. Cet article discute des instruments légaux de droit international susceptibles de protéger les déplacés environnementaux. Cet article revient notamment sur la notion controversée de « réfugiés environnementaux. Extrait du document : p 386 : « The 1951 Refugee Convention requires that a refugee be outside his country of origin, and accordingly does not encompass situations of internal displacement.133 In international law, there is a dichotomy between the protection afforded to (...)
International | Droit | Dégradation de l’environnement | Réfugiés | Migrations environnementale | Conflits | Catastrophes industrielles |"A service highlighting web research and information relating to refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and other forced migrants ; provided by Elisa Mason" Bibliographie avec liens vers les textes en ligne, cliquez ici :
Changement climatique | internally displaced persons | Apatride |The relationships between insecurity, environmental change and population displacement are discussed in this paper. It argues that environmental change and concomitant population displacement are the consequences of war and insecurity rather than triggers for it — as postulated in so much of the recent literature. Additionally, the paper critically reviews the state of knowledge concerning the impact of refugees on the environment of host countries. The aim here is not to document the negative or positive impacts as such, but rather to de-mythologise some aspects of the state of knowledge which through repetition have become accepted as ‘scientific (...)
Migration | Réfugiés |