The relationships between insecurity, environmental change and population displacement are discussed in this paper. It argues that environmental change and concomitant population displacement are the consequences of war and insecurity rather than triggers for it — as postulated in so much of the recent literature. Additionally, the paper critically reviews the state of knowledge concerning the impact of refugees on the environment of host countries. The aim here is not to document the negative or positive impacts as such, but rather to de-mythologise some aspects of the state of knowledge which through repetition have become accepted as ‘scientific (...)
Déplacement de population | Réfugiés |In the 1993 ’State of the World’s Refugees’, UNHCR identified four root causes of refugee flows - political instability ; economic tensions ; ethnic conflict ; and environmental degradation (Lonergan, 1998). More recently, Matlou (1999) suggested the following, in an Africa-specific context - the effects of past struggles for decolonisation, majority rule [...]
International | Dégradation de l’environnement | UNHCR |La Soixante-troisième session de l’Assemblée générale a été dominée par de vifs débats menés par les petits États insulaires à propos des changements climatiques. Ces pays, premières victimes du changement climatique qui ont mobilisé l’actualité internationale au cours des derniers mois, ont fait entendre leur voix devant l’Assemblée. Les interventions de ces nombreux pays (AG/ 10754, AG/10756) que nous allons analyser, semblent pouvoir se regrouper autour de deux réflexions essentielles. D’une part, il s’agit de la nécessaire reconnaissance de la vulnérabilité écologique des ces États et, d’autre part de la mise en relief des responsabilités face aux changements climatiques. Extrait : (...)
International | Droit | Changement climatique | Déplacement de population | Réfugiés | Maldives | menace à la paix et à la sécurité internationales | Pauvreté |What distinguishes environmental refugees from other refugees-or other migrants ? Are all environmental refugees alike ? This essay develops a classification to begin to answer these questions and facilitate future policies and research on environmental refugees.
Dégradation de l’environnement | Réfugiés climatique |The following is a summary of research performed by the Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios (EACH-FOR) Project Consortium. The EACH-FOR project is a research project funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) (Priority [8.1] - Policy-oriented research) of the European Commission. [...]
The process of climate change – and the multiple natural disasters it will engender – will in all certainty add to the scale and complexity of human mobility and displacement. The international community has focused thus far on the scientific aspects of climate change, with the aim of understanding the processes at play and mitigating the impact of human activity. Yet climate change is equally a humanitarian problem and challenge. As such it is of direct interest also to humanitarian agencies, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (...)
Dégradation de l’environnement | UNHCR |La dégradation de l’environnement et les changements climatiques posent des problèmes importants sur les plans de la sécurité humaine et du développement économique et humain durable. Selon le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC), le réchauffement climatique accélère la dégradation des terres arides et des autres écosystèmes exposés à la déforestation, à la salinisation [...]
Dégradation de l’environnement |Environmental factors have always had an impact on the flow of migration across and within international borders. Effects of climate change such as natural disasters and conflicts triggered by a decrease in resources such as water or land displace a growing number of people around the world. Most of these people will remain within the borders of their own country and are entitled to have their fundamental human rights, including the right to life, security, food, health, education, and adequate shelter respected, protected, and fulfilled. Panelists at this event will provide attendees with an overview of the potential human rights impact of climate change ; (...)
Changement climatique et migration | Changement climatique | Migrations environnementale | United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement |Présentation du cas et des axes de recherche.
Réfugiés climatique | Déplacement de population | Maldives | Montée du niveau des mers |The concept of environmental refugees was introduced by Lester Brown of the Worldwatch Institute in the 1970s. It entered into common usage after a 1985 United Nations Environment Programme policy paper entitled ‘Environmental Refugees’. The International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) describes forced migration as “a general term that refers to the movements of refugees and internally displaced people (those displaced by conflicts) as well as people displaced by natural or environmental disasters, chemical or nuclear disasters, famine, or development projects” (FMO, 2007). We define (...)
Dégradation de l’environnement | Réfugiés environnementaux |Le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, António Guterres a présenté le 8 janvier, (CS/9566) au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies les défis auxquels est confrontée son agence chargée de s’occuper de dizaines de millions de personnes déracinées dans un environnement international de plus en plus complexe. M. António Guterres est le premier Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés à s’adresser dans le cadre d’une telle réunion au Conseil de sécurité. Extrait : « M. Guterres a ensuite attiré l’attention sur les nouvelles formes de déplacement de personnes provoquées par des phénomènes tels que les changements climatiques, la pauvreté extrême et la mauvaise (...)
International | Droit | Changement climatique | Réfugiés | Conseil de sécurité - ONU | menace à la paix et à la sécurité internationales | Pauvreté | Conflits |"The Migration DRC was a research programme funded by DFID between 2003 - 2009 to undertake the research, capacity building and dialogue necessary for evidence-based and pro-poor migration policies. The web site now serves as the programme’s research and publications archive." Consultez le "Migration and Climate Change Resource Guide List of publications and resources", cliquez ici :
International |The present issue of InterSecTions is a special one. It does not only give the odd chance to write a foreword to an essay which is co-authored by myself but it is the first issue which is written by a team, rather than an individual. All of us are staff members of UNU-EHS.
Dégradation de l’environnement | Migrations environnementale |As the UN Refugee Convention passes its 50th anniversary, the nature and scope of the ‘international refugee regime’ continues to be a matter of debate. The last decade has seen a number of arguments to extend the regime, and/or the Convention. Most recent amongst these is the growing consensus that ‘internally-displaced persons’(IDPs) should be brought under some form of international protection and/or assistance (Holbrooke, 2000). Another strong group of candidates for inclusion has been those displaced by development projects (Cernea and McDowell, (...)
Dégradation de l’environnement | Approche critique | UNHCR |