Résumé du document p1 : « This note relates to the implementation of paragraph 1(c) of the Bali Action Plan and requests UNFCCC negotiators to ensure recognition in the follow-up Protocol of the need for early action to prevent statelessness as outlined below, and to permit funding for adaptation to be made available for such early actions » Extrait du document : p2 : « To prevent statelessness in the context of low-lying island States, one option would be that territory elsewhere would be ceded to the affected State to ensure its continued existence. If other States agreed that this was the same State, statelessness would not arise. Union with another State would be (...)
Droit | Changement climatique | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Apatrides climatiques - disparition d’Etat |Ce document de travail décrit comment les outils légaux internationaux peuvent être appliqués aux populations victimes du changement climatique et de dégradation environnementale et suggère des terminologies appropriées. Extrait du document : p.4 : « Environmental factors that cause movements across international borders are not grounds, in and of themselves, for the grant of refugee status under the 1951 Refugee Convention. The terms “environ- mental refugee” and “climate refugee” therefore have no legal basis in international refugee law, and it is recommended that they not be used in official or unofficial documentation. Their use could poten- tially undermine the (...)
Droit | Changement climatique et migration | IPCC | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Conflits |This paper provides a brief overview of the human rights and humanitarian norms related to migrant protection, recognizing that a much more com- prehensive, in-depth analysis may be warranted as policymakers engage in further dialogue. Extrait du document p 3 : « As a general rule, people who move voluntarily or who are forced to move across an international border are entitled to all of their fundamental human rights guarantees that pro- tect human dignity.7 These include civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights such as the right of freedom of movement ; to choose their place of residence ; to engage in religion or cultural practice ; the right to (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | GMF | internally displaced persons |Présentation du cas et des axes de recherche.
Réfugiés climatique | Migration | Déplacement de population | Maldives |